HOA Board Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Winston Ridge HOA 7/16/2024 Board Meeting Agenda 7:00 PM | 104 Plantation Drive, Youngsville, NC Board Members: Andre Gilliard, Debra Griffiths, Enid Barnum, Peter Anderson, Stephen Jones, Wallace O’Neal, Sr., Zachary Wilson, Karen Paolotto, Timothy Keller Elite Management: Amy Odom – Community Manager CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM 1. Attendance/Determination of Quorum HOMEOWNER FORUM- […]

Garden Club Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Winston Ridge Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting Aug. 13th at 7pm. Everyone is welcome. Contact Carol Bender bndr100@hotmail.com Edward Mutio will discuss irrigation. this month

HOA Board Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Board Members: Wallace O’Neal, Sr., Andre Gilliard, Debra Griffiths, Enid Barnum, Stephen Jones, Zachary Wilson, Karen Paolotto, Timothy Keller Elite Management: Amy Odom – Community Manager CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM 1. Attendance/Determination of Quorum ACCOUNTS/COMMITTEES 2. Review/Approval of July Minutes 3. Financial Report 4. President’s Report a. Nominating Committee b. Announce Nominees 5. […]

Meet the HOA Board Candidates

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Wallace O’Neal My wife and I have lived in WR for 8 years and have witnessed alot of changes. As a Board member for 2 years, I have been a part of some of those changes, but there are more that need to be fulfilled, which is why I am seeking re-election to the WR […]

Canceled Garden Club Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Winston Ridge Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting. Everyone is welcome. Contact Carol Bender bndr100@hotmail.com .

HOA Annual Meeting

Faith Baptist Church 249 Holden Rd, Youngsville, NC, United States

Agenda: 6:30 PM - Call to Order 6:35 PM - Community Updates 7:00 PM - Election Results 7:15 PM - Homeowner Forum 8:00 PM - Closing Remarks and Adjournment

Meeting with Franklin Co Water Management

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Franklin County Water Department Director will be at Plantation pool meeting room on Sept 18th @ 1pm. About 10 questions gathered from the community which will be answered. Please attend if interested.

Garden Club Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

The WR Garden Club October 8th meeting will be held at the Plantation Pool House. Everyone is welcome!

HOA Board Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

HOA Board Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM 1. Attendance/Determination of Quorum ACCOUNTS/COMMITTEES 2. Review/Approval of October Minutes 3. Financial Report 4. President’s Report CONTINUING BUSINESS 1. Contacted Heather Woods from the water company 2. Road paving 3. Board training 4. Little library 5. Playground 6. Elite mgmt. report 7. Newsletter concept & implementation 8. Parking lot […]

Canceled HOA Board Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

Garden Club Meeting

Plantation Pool House 104 Plantation Dr, Youngsville, NC, United States

The speaker will be Charles Mitchell, NC STATE County Extension Director. He will speak about Vegetable Gardening, preparing beds, raised beds, starting seeds, pests, etc. During this cold January, let's think about gardens and warmer weather!