Election Update – Nominee List

Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners,

Please find the list of nominees for the upcoming election below, and their bios attached.

    • George Roraback
    • John Dunning
    • Nancy Loncto
    • Stephen Jones
    • Tracy Lowe
    • Wallace O’Neal

    As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

    On behalf of the Winston Ridge Board of Directors,

    Amy Odom and Sydney Steward

    Community Manager and Assistant Community Manager

    Elite Management Professionals

    George Roraback

    Hi neighbors,
    My name is George Roraback and I am running for the HOA Board. I’m a retired state
    government employee from Albany, NY. I have been a resident since 2012. At that time the
    subdivision ended at Listeria Crest. The growth since then has been amazing!
    I’m a people person and enjoy the variety of all ages in our subdivision. We are a diverse
    community. With many of us being transplants, we understand what it’s like to start the next
    chapter here. I remember moving into Winston Ridge excited to meet new people and I have
    been doing that ever since. I was a member of the original social committee for 2+ years. I am
    presently a member of the landscaping committee since 2022. Thank you for your consideration
    in supporting me.
    Your Neighbor,
    George Roraback

    John Dunning

    I am a retired CEO of a jet charter company and a commuter airline. I was a board member of
    five different community associations for over 20 years serving as President for three of them
    and Vice President for two of them. I hold an inactive Certified Manager of Community
    Associations certificate and an Association Services Management certificate. I completed all the
    educational requirements for a Professional Community Association Manager certificate.

    I moved to Winston Ridge in 2010 when there were only 20 or so homes. I believe that HOA’s
    should be governed by knowledgeable caring homeowners. I believe that as a board member one
    must listen to the needs of the owners and govern accordingly.

    I was on the board until some health concerns forced me to resign last August. Thankfully, I
    have recovered from those concerns and am now in good health.. I would appreciate your vote.
    John R. Dunning

    Nancy Loncto

    Allow me to introduce myself. I have lived in North Carolina for twelve years and at 33
    Jessamine Cove for the last six. I grew up in Ithaca, NY, lived in Boulder Colorado for 22 years,
    returning to Ithaca in 1994. I hold an associate’s degree in Hotel Administration but consider my
    practical education the opportunity to attend summer camp for three years in Algonquin Park,
    Canada. Those were the days when, as a teenager, I could hitchhike and long-distance canoe
    (without adult supervision) learning particularly important life lessons.

    I am an active retiree whose early career includes experience in the retail, insurance, construction
    (residential & commercial) and hospitality industries. My most interesting professional positions
    include Assoc. Director SE Asia Program at Cornell University (1994-2013), Director of
    Foundation/Corporate Relations for the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver and its “subsidiary”
    World Youth Day (1990-’93), and Director of Development for the Colorado Association of
    Commerce and Industry (1985-1990). Each of these positions provided me with the opportunity
    to effectively serve a large diverse constituency while garnering identifiable results for them. I
    also gained effective budgetary, administrative, and communication skills in each position.
    While I am not Catholic, I am especially honored to have been a part of bringing Pope John Paul
    II and over 500,000 youth from over 100 countries to the U.S. Each of these positions filled my
    bucket list by allowing me to have a positive influence in someone’s life.

    My favorite volunteer activities provide me with a sense of accomplishment beyond “work” and
    include serving my community: i.e., Town of Lansing, NY Planning Board (2001-2013 – Chair
    2003-2009), Colorado Committee on Public Education (1987-1989), and P. E. O. (2012 – 2023)
    serving as Chapter Corresponding Secretary for 1 year and President 2 years. Again, these
    opportunities allowed me to have influence. Currently, I have been consistently attending
    Winston Ridge HOA Board meetings for the last six months. As a result, I have responded yes to
    an invitation to run for a position on said Board.

    My hobbies feed my soul and center around my home, friends, and family (two children and
    three teenage granddaughters). I enjoy traveling, sewing, gardening, and cooking to entertain
    friends. Yes, that means I hate to cook day to day. It also means that I feel very privileged to
    have traveled in the US, SE Asia, and Europe. However, these days, HOME on Jessemine Cove
    is where I want to be with my husband, Steve. It is also where I would like to make a difference.

    I would appreciate your vote to serve on our HOA Board and promise to uphold with integrity all
    applicable responsibilities while being responsive to your concerns and inquiries.
    Nancy Loncto

    Stephen Jones

    As a Board Member and Treasurer for the past two years, I have a proven record of supporting and moving the community ahead fiscally and socially. My contributions include:

    – Conducted a thorough review of our first reserve study, identifying errors

    – Overhauled the 2024 budgeting process for greater accuracy based upon contractual obligations, income, reserve needs, and spending with an eye toward maintaining a balanced budget

    – Created and maintain WinstonRidge.org

    – Created the comprehensive 2024 community survey and analyzed results

    My family joined the community in 2013. We look forward to WR continuing to thrive and come together.


    Stephen Jones

    Tracy Lowe

    I am originally from New York, though I most recently hail from Maryland. There I enjoyed a
    long career with jobs primarily in computer programming and project/program management. As
    a result, I am highly organized, understand fiscal responsibility, and know the value of having
    standardized processes and written documentation. I also know how to get things done. In my
    free time, I enjoy trying new activities, learning new skills, having adventures, and walking my
    dogs and riding my bike around the community.

    Wallace O’Neal

    My name is Wallace O’Neal and my wife, Donna, and I live at 189 Plantation Dr. We have lived
    in Winston Ridge for 8 years and found this to be the best place we have ever lived. Everyone is
    friendly, help full, and courteous with all neighbors. I am seeking re-election to the Winston
    Ridge Board of Directors. I have been on the Board for two years and even thou it doesn’t seem
    like it, but we have made great strides and I would like to continue the work we have started.

    I graduated from Hardbarger Business College with a degree in Business. After graduation I
    enlisted in the U.S. Army and spent three years in service. I am also a proud veteran of Vietnam.
    After my service I went to work for the N.C. Department of Correction, Raleigh, N.C. I left to
    go to work for the Wake County Sheriff’s Department, and was promoted to Sergeant after five
    years. In 1980 I went to work for the CSX railroad police department and spent thirty years
    there. After retirement on December 31,2010, I have spent my retirement working with my
    church building handicap ramps for people in the community. This has been one of the most
    fulfilling jobs that I have ever done.

    Thank you for any consideration


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