New Assistant Community Manager Information

Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, I would like to announce you have a new Assistant Community Manager to assist you. Her name is Kristi Miceli and she comes to Elite with years of customer service experience and enjoys helping others. She is a great asset to Elite and to your wonderful community. Going forward, when emailing, please cc Kristi on all correspondence. Her email address is You can reach her via phone at 919-233-7660 ext 214. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I hope you have a wonderful day! Amy Odom Community Manager
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Winston Ridge Board of Directors New Officers

HOA Board
The Board of Directors met last night and new officers were selected for the upcoming year. Please see below, and help me in congratulating them in their new positions as well as the two newly elected directors. We look forward to a great year for the community.  Karen Paolotto - President Zack Wilson -  Vice President Enid Barnum - Secretary Stephen Jones - Treasurer Debra Griffiths - Director at Large Andre Gilliard - Director at Large Tim Keller - Director at Large Nancy Loncto - Director at Large George Roraback - Director at Large On Behalf of the Winston Ridge Board of Directors, Amy Odom  Community Manager  Elite Management Professionals
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Meet The Candidates Night Reminder

Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, This email is a reminder for the upcoming "Meet The Candidates Night" that will be held tomorrow night, Thursday, September 5, 2024. The six candidates will meet with you one on one from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at the Plantation pool clubhouse. They will all be seated at separate tables throughout the clubhouse ready to meet you, talk to you and and answer any questions you may have for them. Please know this is a "drop-in" meeting so that you can plan what time works best for you within the 2 hour time period, but the candidates themselves will be there for the entirety of meeting. Please make note of this and plan a time that works best for you to come meet the candidates tomorrow…
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Trash and Recycling Screening Extended

ARC, committee, community, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to inform you that after careful consideration while listening to all of your concerns, the Winston Ridge Board of Directors has made a change regarding the deadline for trash and recycling screening. The guidelines themselves have not been changed and have been repeated below for your convenience. What has changed is the deadline has been extended to be 90 days from the date of this email instead of the 45 days as originally stated.  The final day for completion will be Thursday, November 21, 2024. Elite will begin enforcement of the requirement after that time. Trash and Recycling Receptacles ("Receptacles"): General provision:  Receptacles must be stored/screened such that they are not visible at any…
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Trash and Recycling Screening

ARC, community, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, The board has received requests for a more specific guideline on screening trashcans from street view.  The Architectural Review Committee met and submitted recommendations to the board at the August 20 board meeting.  Based upon those recommendations, the board has approved the following guidelines: Trash and Recycling Receptacles ("Receptacles"): General provision:  Receptacles must be stored/screened such that they are not visible at any point along the street running in front of the resident's home when walking or driving along that street.   The following will not require ARC approval: Receptacles stored in the garage. Receptacles stored in the back yard in a location meeting the general provision above. Vinyl privacy fence panels which match the trim of the resident's home. Plantings which fully screen the receptacles year-round. If…
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Election Update – Nominee List

Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, Please find the list of nominees for the upcoming election below, and their bios attached. George Roraback John Dunning Nancy Loncto Stephen Jones Tracy Lowe Wallace O’Neal As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. On behalf of the Winston Ridge Board of Directors, Amy Odom and Sydney Steward Community Manager and Assistant Community Manager Elite Management Professionals George Roraback Hi neighbors,My name is George Roraback and I am running for the HOA Board. I'm a retired stategovernment employee from Albany, NY. I have been a resident since 2012. At that time thesubdivision ended at Listeria Crest. The growth since then has been amazing!I'm a people person and enjoy the variety of all ages in our subdivision. We are…
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Pool Closures

Pool Closures

news, pools
Good Afternoon Homeowner, In preparation of the impending weather, we want to inform you the Board of Directors has chosen to take precautions and put safety measures in place regarding the pools and clubhouse. Due to the threat of high damaging winds, the pool furniture has been stacked and properly stored to avoid causing any possible damage during the storm. Both pools and the clubhouse will be closed Thursday, August 8, and Friday, August 9, 2024. Once the storm has passed, the decision whether to reopen the pool on Saturday or not will be determined and communicated to the community.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We wish you all the best and stay safe during the storm.  On…
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Winston Ridge Board of Directors Election Update

events, news
Good Evening Winston Ridge Homeowner, We are reaching out to to let you know we have an updated timeline as well as some new information regarding the upcoming Board of Directors election. THIS IS THE LAST CALL FOR NOMINEES Nominations will close at 6:00pm on August 10, 2024 The Bios for the final nominees will be distributed to the community on August 13, 2024 The Annual Notice along with a voting ballot will be mailed to each home on August 16, 2024  Voting is open August 17, 2024 and will remain open until the annual meeting  Meet the Candidates Night September 5, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Plantation Pool Clubhouse Annual meeting will be held September 17, 2024 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm (more information will accompany the notice) After meeting…
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Friendly Reminder Political Signs

community, landscaping, news
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, It has been brought to our attention there are a few homes displaying political signs in their yard or on their home. This is a friendly reminder this is prohibited at this time. Per the Winston Ridge Covenants Article XI User Restrictions Section 24, "political signs shall not be placed on a Lot earlier than forty-five (45) days before such elections and shall be removed within seven (7) days after such election".  If you currently have a political sign or flag of any type visible on your Lot, please remove it until September 21, 2024. Failure to remove as requested will result in a violation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Amy Odom Community Manager Elite Management…
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Winston Ridge: Board Nominations Now Open

Dear Winston Ridge HOA Residents, We hope this message finds you well. Nominations are now being accepted for (3) 3-year term seats on the Winston Ridge HOA Board.  The process will conclude with elections in early September.  More details to follow.  On Behalf of the Winston Ridge Board of Directors, Amy OdomCommunity ManagerElite Management Professionals
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