New Assistant Community Manager Information

Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, I would like to announce you have a new Assistant Community Manager to assist you. Her name is Kristi Miceli and she comes to Elite with years of customer service experience and enjoys helping others. She is a great asset to Elite and to your wonderful community. Going forward, when emailing, please cc Kristi on all correspondence. Her email address is You can reach her via phone at 919-233-7660 ext 214. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I hope you have a wonderful day! Amy Odom Community Manager
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Winston Ridge 2025 Budget Outline/Breakdown

HOA Board, news, Uncategorized
Dear Homeowners, The primary responsibility of the Winston Ridge Homeowner’s Association Board is to ensure the fiduciary strength of the Association. A status report regarding this was given at our Annual Meeting held on September 17th, 2024. Subsequently the Board announced in a Regular Meeting that a 9.1% increase in annual assessments from $550 to $600 was approved in its July Executive Session. This will take effect on January 1, 2025. Members making their payments automatically will not need to take any action to ensure their assessment payments remain current. The backdrop for this decision includes our collective concerns such as: Unknown extra ordinary expenses to be lawfully assigned to the HOA such as stormwater pond maintenance, Unknown build-out timeline for completion of the sub-division, Continuing and unknown inflationary pressures,…
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Plantation Pool is open until September 29 at 6pm.  Listeria Pool has been closed for the season.

Plantation Pool is open until September 29 at 6pm.  Listeria Pool has been closed for the season.

community, news, pools
To our neighbors still enjoying a chilly fall swim season: Please pardon the recent miscommunication regarding both pools being open for an extended pool season.  Our pool contract has the extended season effective only for the Plantation Pool.  Listeria Pool has been closed for the season.   With the very light use of both pools and in particular the Listeria Crest pool, we plan on repeating this contractual arrangement in the future to be mindful of maximizing your swimming enjoyment while being efficient with the use of your HOA dues.  If overcrowding becomes a problem with the Plantation Pool during the extended season, we will, of course, revisit having two pools open for an extended season. 
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Annual Oktoberfest

Annual Oktoberfest

events, social
We are getting down to the nitty gritty and fine tuning everything to make this years ‘RIDGETOBERFEST’ a day to remember! The fun begins at 1:00 PM till 6:00 PM on Saturday October 5th at the Plantation pool, (rain date Sunday October 6th same time and place). We will have bratwursts, hotdogs, and snacks but are asking everyone to bring a German dish or dessert to share, if you can’t bring a German dish or dessert please bring your favorite dish to pass. You can signup for a dish by clicking or copying the link below:!/showSignUp/10C084AA4A92EA3FCC70-51611795-food Please remember to RSVP at so we can have enough food for everyone! We can’t wait to enjoy the festivities with everyone!!! There will be: Music Food Crafts Story time/Puppet Show Costume Contest Photo Booth  Hammerschlagen…
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2024 Annual Report

community, HOA Board
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, The Winston Ridge Homeowners Association (HOA) Board is pleased to present its first Winston Ridge HOA Annual Report to our membership. This covers the period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024.While the establishment and organization of the Win ston Ridge HOA began two years ago, the Board is now fully functioning and in compliance with North Carolina State Laws governing Homeowners Associations. For the purposes of this report, in-depth information is found on two websites: ELITE (E) or WINSTON RIDGE (WR) There are specific documents related to items identified in this report and we identified them thusly, E or WR including (a specific site location). The business undertaken this year has resulted in the following: Required Annual Meeting Conducted – ref. E,WR…
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Trash and Recycling Screening Extended

ARC, committee, community, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to inform you that after careful consideration while listening to all of your concerns, the Winston Ridge Board of Directors has made a change regarding the deadline for trash and recycling screening. The guidelines themselves have not been changed and have been repeated below for your convenience. What has changed is the deadline has been extended to be 90 days from the date of this email instead of the 45 days as originally stated.  The final day for completion will be Thursday, November 21, 2024. Elite will begin enforcement of the requirement after that time. Trash and Recycling Receptacles ("Receptacles"): General provision:  Receptacles must be stored/screened such that they are not visible at any…
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Friendly Reminder Political Signs

community, landscaping, news
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, It has been brought to our attention there are a few homes displaying political signs in their yard or on their home. This is a friendly reminder this is prohibited at this time. Per the Winston Ridge Covenants Article XI User Restrictions Section 24, "political signs shall not be placed on a Lot earlier than forty-five (45) days before such elections and shall be removed within seven (7) days after such election".  If you currently have a political sign or flag of any type visible on your Lot, please remove it until September 21, 2024. Failure to remove as requested will result in a violation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Amy Odom Community Manager Elite Management…
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community, events
WHO LOVES A PARADE? Yeah! We’re having one on July 4th at 9:00am Details of the event coming soon. So bring on the classic cars, patriotic golf carts, bicycles, floats & costumes. And let’s celebrate America with the red, white & blue. Refreshments will be provided, so come & let’s hang out for a while. Looking forward to seeing you there - George Roraback & Tim Keller.
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