2024 Annual Report

community, HOA Board
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, The Winston Ridge Homeowners Association (HOA) Board is pleased to present its first Winston Ridge HOAAnnual Report to our membership. This covers the period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024.While the establishment and organization of the Winston Ridge HOA began two years ago, the Board is nowfully functioning and in compliance with North Carolina State Laws governing Homeowners Associations. Forthe purposes of this report, in-depth information is found on two websites: ELITE (E) https://emp.cincwebaxis.com/139or WINSTON RIDGE (WR) https://winstonridge.org/. There are specific documents related to items identifiedin this report and we identified them thusly, E or WR including (a specific site location). The businessundertaken this year has resulted in the following: Required Annual Meeting Conducted – ref. E,WR (Community Documents/Minutes/2023) Implementation of Financial Policy –…
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Message from the Board

community, HOA Board, news
Dear Winston Ridge Owners: The Board of Directors is aware of the Facebook discord related to the recent publication of trash can screening compliance expectations and also recent compliance violation letters sent by Elite from their latest neighborhood inspection and would like to allay the emotional turmoil that has arisen neighbor to neighbor and neighbors to Board.   Right or wrong, for years, property owners and HOA members have complained that Elite and the developer have done nothing for this neighborhood.  Cries went out to fire Elite for their lack of performance.  Then some things started happening.  Over the past two years, the second pool has opened, the HOA Board has been turned over to the neighborhood, and Elite has changed property managers for Winston Ridge.  The neighbors who served on the…
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Plantation Pool reopening at 1:30 today

community, news, pools
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner! Happy Friday! We hope you have had a wonderful week and are looking forward to a beautiful weekend. We want to let you know the repairs have been completed on the Plantation pool and following a final chemical test, the pool will reopen at 1:30pm today.
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Board Announcement

meetings, news
Dear Winston Ridge Residents,  We are writing to notify you that as of August 1st, Peter Anderson has tendered his resignation from the board in order to dedicate more time to his family.  Please keep them in your thoughts and or prayers. We are grateful to Peter for the years that he has given to Winston Ridge to make this a great community in which to live. Because Peter's seat was up for election this year,  no additional steps will be needed to fill the vacancy.  In the interim, the vice president, Wallace O'Neal, will serve as President. The remaining board members are working hard to finalize the details of the election, and will share an updated timeline next week. Please let us know if you have any questions in…
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community, events
WHO LOVES A PARADE? Yeah! We’re having one on July 4th at 9:00am Details of the event coming soon. So bring on the classic cars, patriotic golf carts, bicycles, floats & costumes. And let’s celebrate America with the red, white & blue. Refreshments will be provided, so come & let’s hang out for a while. Looking forward to seeing you there - George Roraback & Tim Keller.
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Reminder for the Garden Club Meeting on Tuesday

community, meetings
The upcoming June 11th meeting will follow a different format.  We will meet at 6:30 outside the pool house where William Dudley will talk about the correct or incorrect way the trees are planted in that area. Then at 7:00 we will begin our Guided Garden Walk to 4 gardens.  Everyone is welcome.
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Winston Ridge Request for Questons Regarding Water Service

Winston Ridge Request for Questons Regarding Water Service

community, news
Good Morning Winston Ridge Residents, We are pleased to announce that the Water Company has agreed to provide written answers to all questions our residents may have regarding our water service. To facilitate this process, we kindly request that you submit any questions you may have regarding water service in the link below. Winston Ridge Water Company Questions (google.com) We will compile all questions received and forward them as a group to the Water Company for a comprehensive response. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being proactive in seeking clarification and understanding regarding our water service. Winston Ridge Board of Directors
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Winston Ridge: Nominating Committee

committee, events, news
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners,  The Winston Ridge Board is now planning your 2024 Annual Meeting for September. As such it is now time to form the nominating committee. The nominating committee's duties are to ensure a sufficient pool of candidates running for the 3 open positions on the Board of Directors. The chair of the committee will be the current HOA President, Peter Anderson. If you are interested in joining the nominating committee, please click the link below and insert your name and contact details. Thank you. Nomination Committee Interest Form: https://forms.gle/rfn1ZHzR2mBuHkyb6
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Winston Ridge Spring Maintenance Reminders

As we welcome April showers and the promise of spring, it's also time to address a common issue that tends to sprout along with the flowers - weeds! With the warmer weather and increased moisture, our lawns are ripe for weed growth, especially here in North Carolina. Failure to treat the weeds in your lawn may cause them to spread into a neighbor’s lawn. Here are a few simple yet effective ways to keep weeds at bay and promote the growth of healthy Bermuda grass: Regular Mowing: Mow when the lawn first turns green using a rotary or reel mower set as low as possible without scalping the lawn. Mow the grass before it grows taller than 2 1/2 inches. Proper Watering: Supplement rainfall as needed so that the lawn…
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