It’s Holiday celebration time!

community, events
We welcome all our wonderful Winston Ridge Neighbors to come join in the 2024 celebration fun on Sunday December 8th from 2pm till 5pm at the Plantation pool clubhouse to enjoy some cookies, hot chocolate, coffee and cheer!! You are all invited to bring your favorite cookies to share…. but don’t stress if you have lots on your plate this time of year and can’t find the time to bake we will have cookies already there, so just come and enjoy cookies provided along with the ones your neighbors brought to share. We will also be collecting unwrapped toy donations for "Toy's for Tot's" and you will be entered in a drawing for a $20 scratch off if you bring a toy. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at 2pm to…
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Winston Ridge Board of Directors Meetings

HOA Board, meetings, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, We hope this email finds you well. As the Board of Directors for Winston Ridge, we want to inform you of a change in the monthly Board meetings beginning with our November 19th meeting. On the advice of counsel, there will no longer be a homeowner forum during the meetings. We have been advised the purpose of an HOA board meeting is for the board members to discuss and make decisions regarding the business of the homeowners’ association, including managing community finances, property maintenance, enforcing rules, and addressing resident concerns, essentially keeping the community running smoothly by making key decisions related to shared spaces and living standards within the neighborhood.  Please know the Board of Directors is not trying to silence homeowners. We want your voices to be…
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Winston Ridge 2025 Budget Outline/Breakdown

HOA Board, news, Uncategorized
Dear Homeowners, The primary responsibility of the Winston Ridge Homeowner’s Association Board is to ensure the fiduciary strength of the Association. A status report regarding this was given at our Annual Meeting held on September 17th, 2024. Subsequently the Board announced in a Regular Meeting that a 9.1% increase in annual assessments from $550 to $600 was approved in its July Executive Session. This will take effect on January 1, 2025. Members making their payments automatically will not need to take any action to ensure their assessment payments remain current. The backdrop for this decision includes our collective concerns such as: Unknown extra ordinary expenses to be lawfully assigned to the HOA such as stormwater pond maintenance, Unknown build-out timeline for completion of the sub-division, Continuing and unknown inflationary pressures,…
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2024 Annual Report

community, HOA Board
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, The Winston Ridge Homeowners Association (HOA) Board is pleased to present its first Winston Ridge HOA Annual Report to our membership. This covers the period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024.While the establishment and organization of the Win ston Ridge HOA began two years ago, the Board is now fully functioning and in compliance with North Carolina State Laws governing Homeowners Associations. For the purposes of this report, in-depth information is found on two websites: ELITE (E) or WINSTON RIDGE (WR) There are specific documents related to items identified in this report and we identified them thusly, E or WR including (a specific site location). The business undertaken this year has resulted in the following: Required Annual Meeting Conducted – ref. E,WR…
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Message from the Board

community, HOA Board, news
Dear Winston Ridge Owners: The Board of Directors is aware of the Facebook discord related to the recent publication of trash can screening compliance expectations and also recent compliance violation letters sent by Elite from their latest neighborhood inspection and would like to allay the emotional turmoil that has arisen neighbor to neighbor and neighbors to Board.   Right or wrong, for years, property owners and HOA members have complained that Elite and the developer have done nothing for this neighborhood.  Cries went out to fire Elite for their lack of performance.  Then some things started happening.  Over the past two years, the second pool has opened, the HOA Board has been turned over to the neighborhood, and Elite has changed property managers for Winston Ridge.  The neighbors who served on the…
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Plantation Pool reopening at 1:30 today

community, news, pools
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner! Happy Friday! We hope you have had a wonderful week and are looking forward to a beautiful weekend. We want to let you know the repairs have been completed on the Plantation pool and following a final chemical test, the pool will reopen at 1:30pm today.
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Board Announcement

meetings, news
Dear Winston Ridge Residents,  We are writing to notify you that as of August 1st, Peter Anderson has tendered his resignation from the board in order to dedicate more time to his family.  Please keep them in your thoughts and or prayers. We are grateful to Peter for the years that he has given to Winston Ridge to make this a great community in which to live. Because Peter's seat was up for election this year,  no additional steps will be needed to fill the vacancy.  In the interim, the vice president, Wallace O'Neal, will serve as President. The remaining board members are working hard to finalize the details of the election, and will share an updated timeline next week. Please let us know if you have any questions in…
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community, events
WHO LOVES A PARADE? Yeah! We’re having one on July 4th at 9:00am Details of the event coming soon. So bring on the classic cars, patriotic golf carts, bicycles, floats & costumes. And let’s celebrate America with the red, white & blue. Refreshments will be provided, so come & let’s hang out for a while. Looking forward to seeing you there - George Roraback & Tim Keller.
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Reminder for the Garden Club Meeting on Tuesday

community, meetings
The upcoming June 11th meeting will follow a different format.  We will meet at 6:30 outside the pool house where William Dudley will talk about the correct or incorrect way the trees are planted in that area. Then at 7:00 we will begin our Guided Garden Walk to 4 gardens.  Everyone is welcome.
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