Dear Winston Ridge Owners: The Board of Directors is aware of the Facebook discord related to the recent publication of trash can screening compliance expectations and also recent compliance violation letters sent by Elite from their latest neighborhood inspection and would like to allay the emotional turmoil that has arisen neighbor to neighbor and neighbors to Board. Right or wrong, for years, property owners and HOA members have complained that Elite and the developer have done nothing for this neighborhood. Cries went out to fire Elite for their lack of performance. Then some things started happening. Over the past two years, the second pool has opened, the HOA Board has been turned over to the neighborhood, and Elite has changed property managers for Winston Ridge. The neighbors who served on the…
Board Members: Wallace O’Neal, Sr., Andre Gilliard, Debra Griffiths, Enid Barnum, Stephen Jones, Zachary Wilson, Karen Paolotto, Timothy Keller Elite Management: Amy Odom – Community Manager CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM 1. Attendance/Determination of Quorum ACCOUNTS/COMMITTEES 2. Review/Approval of July Minutes 3. Financial Report 4. President’s Report a. Nominating Committee b. Announce Nominees 5. Pool Committee a. Service Repairs – Plantation 6. Manager’s Report a. Management Change b. Trash Can Violations c. Room Reservations - Calendar d. Annual Meeting Update – Voting/Zoom/Attorney e. Assessment Reminder – Late fee assessed 7. ARC Committee a. Recommendations for screening trash cans b. Mungo – Color schemes for new section CONTINUING BUSINESS 1. Additional volunteers for pool committee 2. Sewer smell in pool bathrooms 3. Tree Proposal – Landscape Committee to obtain additional…
Winston Ridge HOA 7/16/2024 Board Meeting Agenda 7:00 PM | 104 Plantation Drive, Youngsville, NC Board Members: Andre Gilliard, Debra Griffiths, Enid Barnum, Peter Anderson, Stephen Jones, Wallace O’Neal, Sr., Zachary Wilson, Karen Paolotto, Timothy Keller Elite Management: Amy Odom – Community Manager CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM 1. Attendance/Determination of Quorum HOMEOWNER FORUM- 7:00-7:25 ACCOUNTS/COMMITTEES 2. Review/Approval of June Minutes 3. Financial Report 4. President’s Report a. Nominating Committee 5. Pool Committee a. Service Repairs b. Room Reservations c. Pool Attendant d. Summer Fling 6. Manager’s Report a. Plaques for Picnic tables b. Backflow was installed and replumbed by WaterWorks CONTINUING BUSINESS 1. Community Survey- 3 Projects 2. Annual Meeting-Streaming? 3. AED 4. Request to NCDOT to pave Phase I NEW BUSINESS 5. Tree Proposal 6. Landscaping 7.…
CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 PM Attendance/Determination of Quorum HOMEOWNER FORUM- 7:00-7:25 ACCOUNTS/COMMITTEES Review/Approval of April Minutes Financial Report President’s Report Nominating Committee Pool Committee Service Repairs Room Reservations Architectural Committee ARC Report Managers’ Report Plaques for picnic tables Street Signs CONTINUING BUSINESS Community Survey- 3 Projects Annual Meeting AED Video/ Refrigerator for poolroom Request to NCDOT to pave Phase I NEW BUSINESS Summer Block Party July 4th Parade Retention Ponds Meeting Procedure Policy Accounts Receivable/Payable ADJOURNMENT 8:30p
Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners, Due to the pressing nature of several closed-session agenda items that require thorough discussion and decision-making, we find it necessary to limit the open portion of today's (1/16/2024) board meeting to 30 minutes. We understand the importance of transparency and open communication, and we remain committed to providing updates on relevant matters during the allotted time. However, in order to address the critical issues at hand, the majority of our time will be dedicated to the closed session. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. The meeting format will return to normal in February. Thank you for your flexibility and commitment to the effective functioning of our board. Regards,Andrea ‘Drea’ Paulk, CMCACommunity Manager