New Assistant Community Manager Information

Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, I would like to announce you have a new Assistant Community Manager to assist you. Her name is Kristi Miceli and she comes to Elite with years of customer service experience and enjoys helping others. She is a great asset to Elite and to your wonderful community. Going forward, when emailing, please cc Kristi on all correspondence. Her email address is You can reach her via phone at 919-233-7660 ext 214. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I hope you have a wonderful day! Amy Odom Community Manager
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Winston Ridge Board of Directors Meetings

HOA Board, meetings, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, We hope this email finds you well. As the Board of Directors for Winston Ridge, we want to inform you of a change in the monthly Board meetings beginning with our November 19th meeting. On the advice of counsel, there will no longer be a homeowner forum during the meetings. We have been advised the purpose of an HOA board meeting is for the board members to discuss and make decisions regarding the business of the homeowners’ association, including managing community finances, property maintenance, enforcing rules, and addressing resident concerns, essentially keeping the community running smoothly by making key decisions related to shared spaces and living standards within the neighborhood.  Please know the Board of Directors is not trying to silence homeowners. We want your voices to be…
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Winston Ridge 2025 Budget Outline/Breakdown

HOA Board, news, Uncategorized
Dear Homeowners, The primary responsibility of the Winston Ridge Homeowner’s Association Board is to ensure the fiduciary strength of the Association. A status report regarding this was given at our Annual Meeting held on September 17th, 2024. Subsequently the Board announced in a Regular Meeting that a 9.1% increase in annual assessments from $550 to $600 was approved in its July Executive Session. This will take effect on January 1, 2025. Members making their payments automatically will not need to take any action to ensure their assessment payments remain current. The backdrop for this decision includes our collective concerns such as: Unknown extra ordinary expenses to be lawfully assigned to the HOA such as stormwater pond maintenance, Unknown build-out timeline for completion of the sub-division, Continuing and unknown inflationary pressures,…
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Decision on Gambling/Playing Games of Chance

community, HOA Board, news
Dear HOA Members, In August, during an open forum at the HOA Board meeting a number of residents brought to the Board's attention that their interest in playing games of chance for small sums in the Plantation Activity Center were being denied.  The reason for the denial being that it was against North Carolina law.  The Board determined that it would seek the opinion of its lawyer on this issue. In a timely manner Elite referred the inquiry to Jordon Price Law Firm and the Board received a two-page in-depth response which it considered at its October 15th Board meeting.  Therefore, based on case law, NC statues, and potential cancellation of liability insurance, the Board has resolved the following:  No gambling as is traditionally understood to contain three elements -…
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Plantation Pool is open until September 29 at 6pm.  Listeria Pool has been closed for the season.

Plantation Pool is open until September 29 at 6pm.  Listeria Pool has been closed for the season.

community, news, pools
To our neighbors still enjoying a chilly fall swim season: Please pardon the recent miscommunication regarding both pools being open for an extended pool season.  Our pool contract has the extended season effective only for the Plantation Pool.  Listeria Pool has been closed for the season.   With the very light use of both pools and in particular the Listeria Crest pool, we plan on repeating this contractual arrangement in the future to be mindful of maximizing your swimming enjoyment while being efficient with the use of your HOA dues.  If overcrowding becomes a problem with the Plantation Pool during the extended season, we will, of course, revisit having two pools open for an extended season. 
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ARC Update

ARC, news
We will be publishing revised guidelines for a period of public comment within the next 30 days. If you would like to make suggestions for the guidelines in the meantime, please send your suggestions to the following email address: We will be requesting that Elite not enforce the trashcan screening guideline which was recently suggested and approved by the board.   However, we want to remind everyone that the restrictive covenants have always required that the trashcans be screened from view from the street (See paragraph 21 of the restrictive covenants) and that the method of screening the trashcans has always required ARC approval.   Enforcement of this covenant will be suspended until November 21, 2024 which was the deadline previously approved by the board to complete screenings under the new…
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Message from the Board

community, HOA Board, news
Dear Winston Ridge Owners: The Board of Directors is aware of the Facebook discord related to the recent publication of trash can screening compliance expectations and also recent compliance violation letters sent by Elite from their latest neighborhood inspection and would like to allay the emotional turmoil that has arisen neighbor to neighbor and neighbors to Board.   Right or wrong, for years, property owners and HOA members have complained that Elite and the developer have done nothing for this neighborhood.  Cries went out to fire Elite for their lack of performance.  Then some things started happening.  Over the past two years, the second pool has opened, the HOA Board has been turned over to the neighborhood, and Elite has changed property managers for Winston Ridge.  The neighbors who served on the…
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Trash and Recycling Screening Extended

ARC, committee, community, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to inform you that after careful consideration while listening to all of your concerns, the Winston Ridge Board of Directors has made a change regarding the deadline for trash and recycling screening. The guidelines themselves have not been changed and have been repeated below for your convenience. What has changed is the deadline has been extended to be 90 days from the date of this email instead of the 45 days as originally stated.  The final day for completion will be Thursday, November 21, 2024. Elite will begin enforcement of the requirement after that time. Trash and Recycling Receptacles ("Receptacles"): General provision:  Receptacles must be stored/screened such that they are not visible at any…
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Trash and Recycling Screening

ARC, community, news
Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner, The board has received requests for a more specific guideline on screening trashcans from street view.  The Architectural Review Committee met and submitted recommendations to the board at the August 20 board meeting.  Based upon those recommendations, the board has approved the following guidelines: Trash and Recycling Receptacles ("Receptacles"): General provision:  Receptacles must be stored/screened such that they are not visible at any point along the street running in front of the resident's home when walking or driving along that street.   The following will not require ARC approval: Receptacles stored in the garage. Receptacles stored in the back yard in a location meeting the general provision above. Vinyl privacy fence panels which match the trim of the resident's home. Plantings which fully screen the receptacles year-round. If…
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