Trash and Recycling Screening

Good Afternoon Winston Ridge Homeowner,

The board has received requests for a more specific guideline on screening trashcans from street view.  The Architectural Review Committee met and submitted recommendations to the board at the August 20 board meeting.  Based upon those recommendations, the board has approved the following guidelines:

Trash and Recycling Receptacles (“Receptacles”):

General provision:  Receptacles must be stored/screened such that they are not visible at any point along the street running in front of the resident’s home when walking or driving along that street.  

The following will not require ARC approval:

  • Receptacles stored in the garage.
  • Receptacles stored in the back yard in a location meeting the general provision above.
  • Vinyl privacy fence panels which match the trim of the resident’s home.
  • Plantings which fully screen the receptacles year-round.

If a resident would like to utilize a different method of screening the receptacles from street view, an ARC request must be submitted. If a resident is unsure that their screening method meets the criteria for screening, an ARC request should be submitted. Any screening method used must be maintained the same as the resident’s home or other landscaping.

Residents will have 45 days from the date of this email to complete the screening requirements. The final day for completion will be October 5, 2024. Elite will begin enforcement of the requirement after that time.

If you have any questions, please let the ARC Committee know.

On Behalf of the Winston Ridge Board of Directors & ARC Committee,

Amy Odom 
Community Manager
Elite Management Professionals

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