Winston Ridge Reminders

Please make sure that you are doing your part to make Winston Ridge a beautiful and safe place to call home.    Per the Winston Ridge governing documents, Article XI Use Restrictions, Section 2, item 10, Owners with dogs, cats or other household pets will be responsible for their animals and will insure that they do not make objectionable noise and are not a nuisance to other Lot owners.  The Board, in its sole discretion, may remove any household pets that cause damage or injury to the property or otherwise endangers the health of any owner.   

Pets should be not be allowed to roam free in the community. This is a danger not only to residents but for the pet too. If not in a fenced yard, all pets should be leashed and under owner control.  

Additionally, pet waste continues to be a huge concern throughout the community.  Please make sure that you are cleaning up after your pet in common areas, neighbors yards and your yard.    Pet waste should be properly disposed of immediately after each occurrence.  It is not only unpleasant to smell and look at, but poses a health hazard as well.

Lastly, a bear was reported in the area this week.  Residents say that a nonaggressive, black bear was spotted in the brush between the Larkspur Court and Meadowrue Lane cul de sacs last week.  Always be aware of your surroundings and stay safe!

Have a wonderful week!

Joanna Sizemore, CMCA
Elite Management Professionals, Inc.
Assistant Community Manager
4112 Blue Ridge Road Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612
Tel: 919.233.7660 / Fax: 919.233.7661

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