Winston Ridge Pool

We would like to remind all residents that the pool opens at 6:00am each morning and closes at 9:00pm each night.  Please make sure that you are not using the pool or pool area outside of these hours.  It is important to be mindful of homeowners who live near the pool. 

You may enter and exit the pool area using your pool fob at the side gate.  The fob swipe pad can be found to the right of the gate on the wall.  Any guests using the Winston Ridge pool should be accompanied by a homeowner.  All homeowners are responsible for their guests. 

If you have any question or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you and enjoy your summer.

Joanna Sizemore, CMCA
Elite Management Professionals, Inc.
Assistant Community Manager
4112 Blue Ridge Road Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612
Tel: 919.233.7660 / Fax: 919.233.7661

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