Dear Winston Ridge Homeowners,
I wanted to provide an update regarding the ongoing issues with the fob system (Linear Emerge) at the Plantation pool. After the recent repairs, which included replacing the control panel, we found that while the issue was resolved for some homeowners, it persists for others. Unfortunately, some data remains corrupted, and we are currently unsure of the cause.
The vendor contacted for the repairs is scheduled to return and perform a complete data wipe. They will then manually re-enter the data rather than using a backup as done previously. We hope this approach will fully resolve the issue. However, we will not be able to confirm the success of these repairs until residents begin using their fobs, as the issue does not affect everyone uniformly.
We deeply regret the inconvenience this situation has caused and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to rectify it. In the meantime, please remember that the Listeria Crest pool is fully operational and available for your use.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at WinstonRidge@elite-mgmt.com. We are here to assist you and will ensure any inquiries are promptly forwarded to the vendor for further clarification.
Thank you for your continued understanding and patience.
Warm regards,
Andrea ‘Drea’ Paulk, CMCA
Community Manager